Together, we’re making corporate tax avoidance a hot topic in this election season.
From pollies to corporate offenders, we’re not letting anyone off the hook. We've turned up at PM Turnbull's office to deliver the voices of over 15,000 Australian SumOfUs members. We've called out Vodafone for not paying tax, and the pressure paid off. Vodafone responded and met with us to discuss our community's concerns.
This is just the beginning -- and we need you to help keep the fight going. ATO data tells us that about a third of large companies paid no tax in 2013-14. So this isn’t a matter of a few bad apples -- it’s a systemic issue of companies not paying their fair share, and as a result, we’re losing out on crucial public services.
Over the next six to twelve months, we’ll be scaling up our tax campaigning -- doing things like on-the-ground actions, lobbying politicians, and even funding research.
Please, can you chip in to make sure companies pay their fair share? Every little bit goes a long way.
More information 22 March 2016.
ABC News. 22 March 2016.