The right-wing assault on our healthcare is gaining ground: a conservative Texas judge just ruled that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional, jeopardizing millions of Americans’ access to healthcare.
This is personal: it’s not an exaggeration to say I’m here today because of the Affordable Care Act.
Like millions of others, I didn't have health insurance until the Affordable Care Act went into effect. Even with insurance, I was afraid to go to the emergency room for an asthma attack because of the high cost—and I almost died.
Right now democratic attorneys and advocacy groups across the country are fighting back against this dangerous ruling and doing everything they can to protect the ACA—but they need our support.
Will you add your name to defend our right to affordable healthcare?
There are 133 million Americans across the country with pre-existing conditions. And if Republicans get their way, we’ll be back at the mercy of insurance companies for access to the treatment we need to survive and thrive.
Where millions of Americans see the ACA as a lifeline, some health insurers see a dip into their profits. That’s why some of the biggest insurers spent a combined $6 million in 2017 lobbying Congress for legislative changes like a repeal of the ACA’s annual tax on health insurance companies—a tax which funds subsidies for low-income enrollees.
The Texas ruling jeopardizes millions of Americans’ access to affordable healthcare. But we won’t give up without a fight: if we can hold our elected officials accountable, we can put our health first—not the exorbitant premiums that make insurers millions.
Sign the petition to join millions of Americans fighting to protect the Affordable Care Act.
More information
17 Attorneys General are Appealing the Court Decision Overturning Obamacare
Vox. 3 January 2019.
Vox. 3 January 2019.
Obamacare, Ruled Invalid by Federal Judge, Will Remain in Effect During Appeal
New York Times. 30 December 2018.
New York Times. 30 December 2018.