COVID Principles Survey

As Covid-19 sweeps across our country, politicians are trying to put corporate interest first before the wellbeing of our families and communities.

We simply cannot allow that to happen.

Now more than ever, we need to ensure that every stimulus package that will be needed to get our country through this puts people first before corporations.

Right now, people-powered organizations like ours are committing to pressure our leaders to use the below 5 guiding principles when putting together any aid packages.

    1. Health is the top priority, for all people, with no exceptions.

    2. Provide economic relief directly to the people

    3. Rescue workers and communities, not corporate executives.

    4. Make a down payment on a regenerative economy, while preventing future crises.

    5. Protect our democratic process while protecting each other.

    Take the survey to tell us what you think.

    Should we sign on to these principles?

    Thank you for telling us your views!

    SumOfUs only exists because millions of us, from every part of the world, come together to challenge corporate greed and injustice.

    That’s why we never take a penny from governments or corporates. We’re a people-powered movement, campaigning on the issues that matter to all of us.

    Could you help make sure we can keep fighting for justice in 2020, by making a small donation? It only takes a minute.