Right now one of the largest coordinated scientific efforts in human history is underway. All going well, we could have a Covid-19 vaccine as early as next year.
But scientists are worried about a major threat that could undermine the efficacy of a vaccine: online misinformation.
The explosion of online misinformation has worsened the spread of the virus by pushing people to avoid tests, refuse to wear masks or use dangerous fake cures. And now the same forces are threatening to undermine public confidence in a vaccine which puts everybody at risk.
We are getting ready to launch a big new campaign to tackle this misinformation threat. But to make politicians and the tech platforms take notice, we need real stories of people whose lives have been impacted by online misinformation.
- Have you or someone close to you been affected by Covid-19 hoaxes or conspiracy theories?
- Do you know someone who has become swept up in anti-vax or anti-mask groups online?
- Has someone you love refused medical advice based on something they saw online?
Stories are the most powerful tool we have to create change. Right now the story being told by the tech giants is that it’s not their responsibility to protect people from fake news. But we know their algorithms prey on people’s anxieties and fears. We know they push people down rabbit holes they never intended to venture down.
And we know that this can cause very real harm. What we need are the powerful, human stories that will convey this problem to tech companies and lawmakers.
We will contact you before using your story and will treat anything you share with utmost discretion.
More information
The Risks of Misinformation and Vaccine Hesitancy within the Covid-19 Crisis
Center for Strategic and International Studies. 4 September 2020.
Center for Strategic and International Studies. 4 September 2020.
The online anti-vaccine movement in the age of COVID-19
The Lancet. 1 October 2020.
The Lancet. 1 October 2020.