Republican Congress is trying to quietly privatize national lands and open them to rampant, corporate development. The new rules would see the abolition of public lands including areas managed through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Federal Wildlife Refuge and National Forests.
This unthinkable action could endanger such natural icons as the Grand Canyon and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It would put at risk the headwaters of many rivers and open up huge swaths of pristine Alaskan wilderness to oil development.
These lands are must be protected as a legacy for future generations. They are environmentally irreplaceable and vital to our cultural and natural heritage.
Tell Congress national lands are not for sale!
Republicans are acting only in the best interest of private profit. Giant corporations are the ones who will benefit from opening up public lands to development and resource extraction. The environment, Indigenous peoples and the rest of United States citizens will suffer greatly if these changes are put into place.
This re-writing of the rules, however, is not set in stone yet. With enough push back Congress may change their minds and keep national lands public, as they should be.
More information
The Guardian. 19 January 2017.