Comcast is letting the government snoop through our data, and it won’t even tell consumers what’s it’s sharing.
Verizon has just volunteered to let us know what information it’s sharing, and tech giants like Google and Facebook have called for stronger limits on government surveillance. But with government spying on citizens out of control, Comcast is refusing to even let us know how often it’s handing over private data like our names, addresses and calling records to the authorities.
It’s time we told Comcast enough is enough.
Please take a moment to sign the petition to Comcast asking it to respect our privacy.
We’re asking Comcast to do something quite simple: Tell us how many requests it receives from local, state and federal agencies. We deserve to know how many times government agencies have asked it to wiretap conversations or hand over text message data about a user. If Verizon can do it, then Comcast can too.
Every day, more and more details emerge about how massive the government surveillance state has become. But we can't fight what we don't know about, which is why we need all our phone companies to come clean.