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People and planet over profit
Help us decide our next steps
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1. What do you think the SumOfUs community should focus on this year? (Choose as many as you'd like)
Fighting disinformation and protecting democracy
Defending the planet from the worst polluters
Protecting biodiversity and the natural world
Empowering people to hold corporations accountable through shareholder actions
Fighting corporate corruption of our governments
Moving money and investment away from the worst human rights abusers
Ensuring our privacy and data is protected from corporations
Electing accountable and progressive politicians
Defending workers rights around the world
2. What are you most worried about in the world right now?
3. What are you most hopeful about in the coming year?
4. What was your favorite SumOfUs campaign from the last year? (Choose any that you really loved)
Battling Nestle's attack on our water supply in Michigan and beyond
Taking on the corporations behind the fires and logging destroying the Amazon
Making sure far-right pundits don't use Paypal or YouTube to spread hate
Fighting Google's support for censorship in China
Protecting bees from deadly chemicals
Pushing for plastic-free flights on all major airlines
Creating international rules that ban the dumping of toxic plastic waste
Removing glyphosate from our food supply
Fighting the sale of seafood caught in a way that destroys our oceans
Helping English towns and villages fight fracking in their backyard
Protecting the water supply of local communities from greedy corporations
Calling for regulation protecting and promoting green investments across the European Union
Stopping tobacco ads in Germany
Pushing major corporations to keep palm oil out of their products
Any others you loved?
5. Which option best describes how you feel about SumOfUs? (this gives us a sense of how we're all feeling about what we're doing together)
SumOfUs is incredible - together we really do change the world
SumOfUs is great - our community does inspiring work
SumOfUs is good - I’m happy to support it
SumOfUs is ok - not sure about how good it is
SumOfUs is not that great
SumOfUs is not good - the work is poor
None of the above
Any comments?
6. What term do you think best describes SumOfUs?
A movement
A community
An email list
A non-profit organisation
A network
7. What does SumOfUs bring to you? (Choose as many as you'd like)
A sense of connection and interdependence with others across the world.
Evidence that changing our world is possible.
Empowerment that my voice, together with others, can make a difference.
Pride that our community can shine a light into the dark corners of our world.
An opportunity to engage with issues that I care about.
None of the above
Please add anything else SumOfUs brings you:
8. Would you like to deepen your engagement with SumOfUs?
9. If you answered yes, what types of engagement would you be interested in? Please tick as many as feel right for you.
Engage more in SumOfUs online actions including writing emails
Write articles, conduct interviews, and engage with the media
Attend a sit-in or occupy action
Fundraise for our campaigns and our movement
Recruit or manage volunteers
Phone calls to encourage others to support SumOfUs campaigns
Attend marches or demonstrations
Knock doors or canvass
Start your own petition campaign
Organise a march
Lobby officials
Meet up with other members who live near me
Organise with colleagues for our employer to do better
Become a shareholder activist for SumOfUs campaigns
Please add any other ways you'd like to engage:
10. What is at least one change in the world you hope SumOfUs achieves in the next five years?
11. Any other feedback? We'd love to hear it!:
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