These past 2 weeks, 12 young people were murdered in California, 11 lives were taken in Pittsburgh, 2 were killed in Tallahassee, and 2 more in Kentucky.
In July, Rabbi Jeffrey Myers of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh wrote “we deserve better” when it comes to gun control.
He’s right.
But thanks to the massive influence of the National Rifle Association (NRA), nothing changes. And that's unacceptable.
So we’re going to fight the gun industry directly at the source of its financial power: Wells Fargo.
While Bank of America, Chase, and Citigroup have restricted their ties to the gun industry, Wells Fargo has been the biggest lender to gun makers and the National Rifle Association (NRA) in the years since the Sandy Hook massacre. The bank lent over $400 million to the gun industry—including $28 million to the NRA—in the past six years alone.
Will you chip in to launch a massive billboard campaign calling out Wells Fargo as the NRA and gun industry's favorite lender?
More information
National Teachers Union Cuts Ties With Wells Fargo Over Bank's Ties To NRA, Guns
NPR. 20 April 2018.
NPR. 20 April 2018.
Wells Fargo Is the Go-To Bank for Gunmakers and the NRA
Bloomberg. 7 April 2018.
Bloomberg. 7 April 2018.