Our Prime Minister has promised to get serious about tax this election, while giving corporations a massive $48.2 billion tax cut in the budget.
While we're being delivered all sorts of half-promises this election cycle, the truth is that big multinational corporations and the richest in our society are using huge loopholes to avoid paying for our healthcare, education, and the rest of the public services we all use.
Nearly 15,000 of us signed the petition demanding Malcolm Turnbull disclose his tax affairs from when he was a Director of a dodgy Panama-papers company.
We want to deliver those to his office in the most spectacular way possible -- and get a real binding commitment on tax in Australia.
Can you chip in so we can get a better tax deal for all Australians?
Australia’s biggest companies are stashing untold billions offshore, and Turnbull has stood up for them over and over again. Now we know why.
Turnbull was on the board of Star Mining NL, a mining company set up in the British Virgin Islands by law firm Mossack Fonseca. This could mean that Turnbull actively supported companies in hiding their wealth from governments. If Turnbull wants us to take him seriously on corporate tax avoidance, then he needs to come clean on exactly how he has supported companies to avoid tax -- and how he personally stands to profit from his government’s policies.
This goes much deeper than one man, even our own Prime Minister. These leaks show clear that we need legislative action on tax avoidance. We need big corporations and the wealthy elite to pay their fair share so you and I don't have to foot the bill -- or miss out on vital public services.
The alternative is that we'll see more cuts to our paid parental leave, we'll be saying goodbye to free pap smears... and almost everything is on the table. We're already facing cuts to the tune of billions, affecting everything from health to education -- and we can't afford to take any more. When big corporations and the wealthy elite do not pay their fair share of tax, we’re the ones who lose out.
They thought we'd go away quietly, but instead we're going to deliver your signatures directly to Malcolm Turnbull so he can't ignore us. But we need your help to make it as big as possible.
Some options could be:
- A flyover of Turnbull's electorate in central Sydney
- A massive, custom-made hot air balloon
- Rolling, mobile billboards that can go to every corner of Malcolm's electorate
Ultimately, the only thing holding us back is how much we can afford to do.
Can you chip in?