Verizon put its profits before the safety of firefighters in the midst of California’s massive wildfire by throttling their internet access. But there is good news.
Right now, because of pressure from SumOfUS members like you, Congress is just a few votes away from restoring net neutrality.
With the freedom of the internet at stake, we’re working with our partners at Demand Progress to fund a people-powered lobbyist to fight for internet freedom. Can you chip in to send a people-powered lobbyist to Congress to get the 41 votes needed to win?
Verizon’s greed meant firefighters in California didn’t have the info they needed to protect the community and their team from a dangerous fire. The firefighters had a so-called unlimited data plan with Verizon, but in the midst of battling a massive fire, they couldn’t even get an email to send because Verizon had slowed down their data.
The firefighters shared their story because letting corporations like Verizon and Comcast provide priority internet access to an elite group of corporations and customers is a public safety threat. It means low-income communities and emergency responders might not have access to life-saving info in times of crisis. But thanks to SumOfUs members like you who’ve pressured Congress to overturn the repeal of net neutrality, there’s a real chance we could win -- but we only have a few months to make it happen before this session of Congress ends. That’s why we’re going to pay for our own people-powered lobbyist to fight for net neutrality.
Corporations like Verizon have their own lobbyists because lobbyists know how to get meetings in D.C. and ensure that Congress listens. They know how to get the votes needed to win. So we’re using a move from the corporate playbook to beat Verizon at their own game: we’ll send in our own people-powered lobbyist to fight for the last 41 votes needed to bring back net neutrality.
We’re on the verge of curbing corporate power to keep the internet open to everyone and you can push us over the edge. Can you chip in now?
When SumofUs members come together against internet giants, we win. We put a stop to the Comcast and Time Warner merger. Now, we’re on the verge of winning on net neutrality because SumOfUs members and our allies pressured the Senate to act. Because of you, the vote to restore net neutrality passed the senate with bipartisan support. Now we’re 41 house votes away from restoring net neutrality. Together, we can make sure that corporate greed doesn’t stand in the way of our community’s safety.
Please, can you chip in?
More information
ABC. 22 August 2018.
Mashable. 18 July 2018.