British Gas owner Centrica has just won a license to drill for oil in the Arctic.
The Barents Sea is one of the most amazing marine ecosystems on the planet. It’s home to bowhead whales and white-beaked dolphins, puffins and polar bears, and the largest deepwater coral reef in the world.
But Centrica wants to risk all of this for profit.
We need to mobilise fast. Centrica has the license but it hasn’t yet committed to drilling in the Barents. Let’s show it that we won’t stand by while our household bills fund Arctic drilling.
Centrica: don’t drill in the Arctic!
No oil company should be drilling in the Arctic. It's too difficult and too dangerous, and a spill would be almost impossible to clean up. That’s why millions of people around the world, including the SumOfUs community, came together to stop Shell from drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, and Shell was forced to abandon its plans.
But now Centrica wants to have a go. And, because it owns British Gas, it will be using money from millions of British household bills to fund its Arctic exploration. If a spill does happen, forever changing the pristine Arctic waters, it will be British Gas customers who pay for it, through higher bills.
Centrica has already proved it doesn’t care about our environment. As well as its Arctic drilling plans, the company is also a major investor in fracking firm Cuadrilla. But it does care about its bottom line. So it’s up to us to show the company that drilling in the Arctic would destroy its reputation -- and we can do that by speaking up en masse.
When Shell tried to drill in the Arctic, millions of people mobilised, including hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members. We stood together, and we won, sending shockwaves through the oil and gas industry. Now the Arctic is under threat again.
Let’s speak up and tell Centrica: don’t drill in the Barents Sea!
More information
The Guardian. 18 May 2016.