Next week, representatives from countries around the world are meeting at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to vote on a plan put forward by the representatives of India and South Africa that would allow all countries to make their own cheaper versions of COVID vaccines and treatments.
With millions of lives at stake, we need Canada to back this plan -- let's pressure Canadian decision makers to vote with India and South Africa for a plan for vaccines for all.
We have identified the 8 Canadian decision makers that will make this decision and developed a simple and easy to use email form so you can email them to vote FOR the COVID Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) waiver proposed by India and South Africa.
We have drafted an example email for you and cc’ed all 8 decision makers. But an email in your own words would be more powerful. Here are some key talking points:
As good global citizens, Canada should push for a plan for vaccines for all.
The TRIPS waiver proposed by India and South Africa at the WTO would apply only to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines, and would provide all countries, especially middle- and low-income countries, and countries without substantial manufacturing capacity for medicines, with the policy tools required to respond to this unprecedented global pandemic.
Urge the Canada WTO representative to vote for the India and South African TRIPS waiver next week.
Use the following form to email them now.