Last month the world's most deadly threat to bees - the varroa destructor mite - made it to Australian shores for the first time. But rather than get ready to take on this threat our politicians are sitting on their hands.
While the EU is introducing wide ranging bans on bee-harming pesticides, the Australian government is pandering to the chemical industry’s corporate lobbyists.
Bayer, Syngenta and the chemicals industry are desperate to keep selling their bee-killing pesticides. We can beat them in Australia, but we need key intel on which powerful people the industry is targeting to get what they want.
That’s where you come in. We have a top researcher lined up and if enough SumOfUs members chip in, we can commission a groundbreaking investigation into Bayer and the chemical industry’s stranglehold over Australian regulators and politicians.
With your donation we can find out which Australian politicians Bayer and Syngenta are wining and dining. Will you please chip in today?
More information
Varroa mite: Varroa destructor confirmed on Port of Melbourne bees
The Weekly Times . 9 July 2018.
The Weekly Times . 9 July 2018.
EU member states support near-total neonicotinoids ban
BBC. 27 April 2018.
BBC. 27 April 2018.
Deadly blood-sucking bee parasite discovered at Port of Melbourne
Sydney Morning Herald. 29 June 2018.
Sydney Morning Herald. 29 June 2018.
Effect of Varroa on plant industries