The leatherback turtle is so ancient, it even survived dinosaurs and can grow to the size of a smart car. But this amazing creature is no match for humans and their plastic pollution. The turtles confuse plastic bags floating in the ocean for food, ingest it and die. Because of the plastics crisis, leatherback turtles are in danger of extinction.
But here’s the good news: there’s a motion before Canadian parliament, M151, that could finally help clear some of the plastic pollution that the leatherback turtles battle with. The motion has huge support from people in Canada -- but politicians are already getting battered by lobbyists from the plastics industry. Unless we can get parliamentary support for this motion, it’s going to be dead in the water.
But we have a plan: Canadian parliament will sit again in just a few weeks and we have a hard hitting ad campaign ready to roll out that members of parliament won’t be able to ignore. As they fly in to Ottawa from all over the country we want to plaster ads around the airport, outside parliament and over the papers that parliamentarians read. But we can’t do it without your support.
Will you chip in to protect the endangered leatherback turtles from plastics pollution in Canada?
More information
Rare sighting of leatherback off B.C. coast raises issue of plastic pollution
CBC. 25 August 2018.
CBC. 25 August 2018.
Pressure mounts on Canada to devise solution to stop plastic pollution
Global News. 5 June 2018.
Global News. 5 June 2018.