Step 1: dial Senator Cornyn on (202)-224-2934 or Senator Cruz on (202)-224-5922
Step 2: Ask to speak with the Senator and mention that you're a voter in Texas. You will probably either be directed to an assistant or asked to leave a message.
Your own words will be most powerful, so speak from the heart. If you want some ideas on what to say, you could include:
- I am a voter in the Senator's state.
- I am deeply concerned about the proposed mergers between huge agribusiness companies, and I've joined 530,000 people in signing a petition opposing the Bayer-Monsanto merger.
- I hope the Senator will ask hard questions in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings Sept 20th about the proposed Bayer-Monsanto merger.
- I've read a legal study (online at and I'm concerned that if the merger goes through, our food supply will be controlled by just 3 huge conglomerates, leading to less choice and higher prices.
- I would like to know what the Senator is going to do about this issue.
And finally, use the form on the right to tell us how the call went!
More information
Bloomberg. 14 September 2016.
Vox. 15 September 2016.