Update May 14 2018: We might be on the cusp of a major victory for net neutrality in Canada. A House of Commons committee essentially just asked the federal government to deny Bell's internet takeover bid. But Bell and Fairplay Canada are fighting hard to get their proposal through. Tell FairPlay Canada to drop this dangerous proposal now.
Update January 29, 2018: A coalition of 25 organizations — spearheaded by Bell — calling itself “FairPlay Canada” just asked the CRTC to implement a website-blocking system to curb piracy. Tell FairPlay Canada to drop this proposal now.
Update January 24 2018: It appears our pressure is working -- Bell has still not brought its dangerous proposal to the CRTC! Let's keep the pressure up to ensure Bell backs down.
It’s scary -- Bell, Cineplex, Shaw, and Rogers are trying to censor the internet and force the end of net neutrality in Canada. And worse, they're trying to do it behind closed doors.
These 4 companies, led by Bell, are pushing to create an internet "blacklist" of certain websites that all internet service providers in Canada would legally have to block. They know this outrageous proposal would never pass, so first, they tried to sneak it into NAFTA negotiations -- and now Bell is expected to introduce its proposal to Canada's telecom regulator TOMORROW.
Critics are calling this move "unprecedented" and dangerous. If these companies get their way, this internet blacklist would have absolutely zero oversight in the courts. We need to stop this urgently.
Will you join me in signing the petition to Bell, Rogers, Shaw, and Cineplex to drop their dangerous proposal now?
Bell is pushing hard for the creation of an "Internet Piracy Review Agency" (IPRA) that would maintain a blacklist of websites, which all internet providers in Canada would be required to block with no court oversight. And right now, Shaw, Cineplex and other corporations support the proposal.
Bell is Canada’s largest telecommunications company, and it raked in $22 billion last year in profit. If Bell manages to get this proposal approved, it won't stop there. Blocking one type of content opens the door to more, and is one step closer to ending net neutrality and greater corporate control over our in
Over the past three decades, the internet has evolved into an open landscape of ideas where every voice has a chance to be heard. It is a backbone of democracy and a critical forum of free expression. But big telecom corporations are trying to put corporate profits before the public good.
Canadian copyright laws and the rules enforcing them on the internet are already in place. Changes to these laws should happen through extensive public discourse -- not in secret trade negotiations. Bell, Rogers, Shaw, and Cineplex are trying to undermine the democratic system and we need to stop them.
A massive public outcry can force them to back down, but we need to act now to protect the free and open internet. Bell is expected to put its proposal before the CRTC tomorrow. That means we need to speak out now.
Please join me in signing the petition to stop the corporate control over our internet now.
More information
Huffington Post. 28 September 2017.
Canadaland. 4 December 2017.
Michael Geist (blog). 5 December 2017.
Mobile Syrup. 10 May 2018.