This is barbaric: an investigation by a Finnish animal rights group revealed shocking photos showing overfed, overweight foxes being bred in tiny cages for the international fur trade.
Heartbreaking footage shows these helpless animals, who have been fed to the point of obesity, whimpering alone in dark, squalid cages.
These revelations represent a huge setback for animal rights. Foxes are beautiful, intelligent creatures: they don’t deserve to be treated in this brutal, inhumane manner.
Our government is complicit in this: fur farming has been illegal in Britain since 2000 -- but traders have imported almost £300 million worth of fur into the country in the last five years.
The UK, which is ranked 3rd in the world for animal welfare, needs to stand up and be a global leader in outlawing this barbaric practice -- and make it illegal to import fur right now.
Tell the government to ban barbaric fur imports now!
Animal rights group Oikeutta Eläimille (Animal Justice) released the shocking images after an investigation into five fur farms across Finland.
The foxes, which have rolls of fat covering their eyes and faces, have been bred to be more than five times their natural size, to maximise the fur produced by each animal. The fur is then sold under the Saga Furs brand, which is available is luxury clothing stores such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Michael Kors.
Kristo Muurimaa, of Animal Justice, said: "The conditions these animals are in is the result of greed for profits. Bigger skin means more money for the fur farmer. The animals pay the price with suffering.”
Animal cruelty of this kind has no place in 21st century Britain -- it’s time to demand the government outlaws the import of fur into the country and make itself a global leader on the issue.
SumOfUs members care about animal rights -- when the Australian government tried to pass ‘ag-gag’ laws to criminalise people who expose animal cruelty, over 60,000 SumOfUs members like you stood on the side of animal rights and signed the petition.
Tell the UK government to stop the import of fur and bring animal rights in Britain into the 21st century!
More information
IB Times. 25 August 2017.