Do you want to go to the Barclays AGM and challenge the bank's support for fracking?
As a shareholder, you have the right to attend the company AGM and ask the Chair a question. We have one prepared about Barclays’ investment in Third Energy -- the fracking company preparing to frack peaceful Ryedale in North Yorkshire this spring.
We just need a shareholder to ask it at the Royal Festival Hall in London on Wednesday 10th May. Will that be you?
Yes - I’ll go to the Barclays AGM to ask a question about fracking.
While it might seem a bit of a daunting thing to do, we’ll be there to support you every step of the way -- from getting the paperwork sorted out to helping you make sure you are fully prepared to ask the question.
You could be the voice that convinces Barclays to stop funding fracking. Will you help us turn the heat?
Yes - I want to ask a question about fracking at the Barclays AGM.
I asked my first question at an AGM last year, and as well as being able to take our message in person to company bosses, it was a lot of fun! Other shareholders were asking the Chair questions about how the business affected the environment and human rights, so I wasn’t the only one. And I know that will be the case at the Barclays AGM in May, too.
If you can’t make it to the AGM yourself but want to help, you can give permission for one of the SumOfUs team to ask a question on your behalf. It’s easy to do and we’ll manage the paperwork side of things. Let us know here by using the checkbox on the form.