Union-busting, fighting Obamacare, backing the Stand Your Ground laws that led to Trayvon Martin’s death, hiding proof of climate change… there’s nothing the American Legislative Exchange Council won’t stoop to.
The public outcry against ALEC has caused nearly fifty corporations to drop out over the past several months. But now Facebook, Google and Yelp are looking to reverse that trend. The companies recently joined a group responsible for some of the most egregious anti-labor, anti-environment, anti-poor, and anti-minority legislation in the past decade. Now, we need to raise a cry to show them that getting in bed with ALEC is unacceptable, before all the hard work over the past year is undone.
Demand Facebook, Google and Yelp drop their ALEC membership now.
We can’t afford to have three major tech companies help finance a monstrosity like this right-wing lobbying group, and they can’t afford the bad press that comes with an ALEC membership. ALEC has become a toxic brand that image-conscious companies don’t want to be associated with.
ALEC worked in close conjunction with the NRA to push the controversial Stand Your Ground law onto dozens of states. ALEC helped private prison companies enact Arizona’s “show your papers” law in order to fill up cells with Latinos. It has sponsored a host of horrific legislation that is tearing down personal rights and handing over money to corporations. We simply cannot allow such practices to be condoned by major companies.
Our voices already shamed over fifty companies and nonprofits, including the likes of Amazon, Walmart, and Coca-Cola, into dropping the American Legislative Executive Council. Just recently, after months of pressure by students, Sallie Mae left the group. But if we don’t speak out now, Google, Facebook, and Yelp could start back the movement of corporate funding into ALEC.
Sign on to tell Google, Facebook, and Yelp to stop associating with ALEC immediately.
More Information:
ALEC at 40: Turning back the clock on progress and prosperity, ALEC Exposed, 23 August 2013.
Tech Giants partner with ALEC, Salon Magazine, 16 August 2013.