Breitbart News, the extreme far-right news website that helped elect Donald Trump, can only spread so much hatred and fake news as it can fund. SumOfUs members have taken major corporations to task, and because of the power of public pressure, 2,000 companies have already stopped advertising on Breitbart.
But, there are still a few holdouts and that's where you come in. Right now, these corporations are still funneling advertising dollars directly into Steve Bannon's pocket, and you have the power to stop it.
Get advertising dollars from these major corporations out of Breitbart:
- Amazon
- Shopify
- Ford
- Federal Airlines
- Volkswagen
- Northwestern Mutual
- Lowe’s Canada
- British Airways
- Adidas
- Hyundai
The majority of corporations have already pulled out of Breitbart -- and if we add our voices from across the planet now, we can make sure the remaining holdouts can't ignore us anymore.
Tell these major corporations: stop investing in hate. Pull your advertising from Breitbart now.
Breitbart spits the most hateful stuff you’ve ever heard — everything from attacks on LGBTQ+ folks to claiming that contraception makes women "sluts”.
A powerful grassroots campaign is gaining traction through social media pushing companies to pull advertising from Breitbart. And it’s working. Already over 2000 corporations have pulled out of Breitbart, and the list is growing by the day. Together, we can push it over the edge.
SumOfUs members are fighting hatred and discrimination worldwide. With massive public pressure, we’re going to force corporations to take responsibility for how they advertise and will keep up our fight to stop Breitbart’s global expansion.
Let's come together to get advertising dollars out of Breitbart, and show the world that public pressure really works.
More information
Breitbart News prompts more advertisers, including BMW and T-Mobile parent, to yank ads
LA Times . 7 December 2016.
LA Times . 7 December 2016.
Creative Acceptance Policy
Amazon Advertising.
Amazon Advertising.
Breitbart News pushes deeper into Europe
The Economist. 10 December 2016.
The Economist. 10 December 2016.
Canadian universities pull ads from hard-right news outlet Breitbart
The Globe and Mail. 27 January 2017.
The Globe and Mail. 27 January 2017.
Breitbart loses advertising deals with 935 companies due to grassroots campaign
The Independent. 2 February 2017.
The Independent. 2 February 2017.
Whole Foods stock rockets 28% on $13.7 billion Amazon takeover deal
CNBC. 16 June 2017.
CNBC. 16 June 2017.