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People and planet over profit
Help set SumOfUs's priorities for 2019
In 2018, your donations and actions sparked real changes to hold corporations accountable and create a more just world.
Now, it's time for you to set the vision for 2019.
Take a moment to let us know what you’d like SumOfUs to work on next year.
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What's your email address?
Which issues are personally most important to you? (Please choose your top three.)
Climate change and the environment
Corporate money influencing politics
Immigrants rights
LGBTQ rights
Privacy rights on social media and Internet companies
Workers' rights
Access to clean water
Tech and Internet companies' influence and control over our lives
Gun control and the power of the NRA
Saving bees/pesticides
Women's rights
Plastic pollution
Resisting Trumpism and the far right
What issue would you like to see SumOfUs do more work on? (Please choose your top three)
Resisting Trumpism and the far right
Saving bees / pesticides
Immigrant rights
Corporate money influencing politics
Access to clean water
Women's rights
Privacy rights on social media and internet companies
Gun control and the power of the NRA
Climate change and the environment
LGBTQ rights
Plastic pollution
Tech and internet companies’ influence and control over our lives
Worker rights
How would you describe SumOfUs to a friend?
If you could change one thing about SumOfUs, what would it be?
Which SumOfUs campaign was most memorable in 2018?